Book Reviews

Alongside writing, I am trying to read more books, I used to be an avid reader and have a fair collection of books at home, but life got in the way of that over the last few years.

But now I am attempting to read on my commutes and instead of staring at my phone in my spare time, I am picking up a book.

These reviews are in no particular order, but I will link to my Good Reads page if you wish to know more about when I read the book etc.

So without any further delay, let’s get on with the reviews.

Travelling Without Moving by Nathan Jones.

What can I say about this absolute masterpiece of writing. Nathan has created a world like no other, that twists and turns like a clockwork coaster, and with every turn you just don’t know what to expect.
Napalm Carton, through the use of tickets, (imagine drugs that enable you to travel into a VR game) spirals down a rabbit hole of his own delusions, but what is real?
Are ThinkDom (A kind of mega corp) out to stop him. Will his friends Mokey, Gene, Haust and others finally see what Napalm can, and help him change the world for them all.
With Clockwork Rats, a giant dome protecting the last of humankind and the mysterious Hue who wants to declare war on them all, travelling without moving will take you on the ride of your life until the final reveal.
Nathan has a skill with words that enables the reader to be drawn into his world with ease, characters you will love, and a story that will be a favourite for years to come.

Check out Nathan’s Website for full details on his work.

Travelling Without Moving

Silver by Michael Stoneburner

This is the first book by Michael I have read, and will definitely be reading others.

Silver has it all. Dark magic, a mysterious antagonist who awakens evil creatures in its search for Silver, the magical silver haired boy, Rosie finds in the woods.
Taken him home will change her and her son Henry’s life.
Henry will have feelings stored deep inside, whilst the past comes back to haunt both Henry and Rosie.

Henry’s feelings towards Silver are written empathically and with feeling, which I hope will grow through the series.

With promise of book two, the adventures started in book 1 look to continue in the World of Silver.

You can check out Michael’s web page here.


SK1NN3R by Nathan Jones

This is the second book of Nathan’s I have read and like the last one (“Travelling without Moving” a clock-punk, dystopian) again is a new genre for me me.
SK1NN3R is a dark thriller, set in Bristol during the 2040, something’s have changed, drones deliver goods, parks are full of AR, and the police are stretched even thiner with drones patrolling the skies.
Oh and a chain of serial Killers have plagued the city. But on the plus side, you can still get a pint in some old town ale houses.
Dayne, our friendly yet, tortured hero, suffers from seasonal disorders and hasn’t had the best of lives, but does have a knack for spotting the links, unfortunately these links lead him into the path of the latest of Bristol’s killers “Sk1nn3r” will this game of cat and mouse end with Skinner being captured, or will Dayne become a pawn for the killers own games

This book will keep you guessing, until Nathan throws in another curve ball and changes the destination all together.
Give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.


This is the first of Debbie’s books I have read, and what a brilliant international thriller it is.

From the Manhattan beaches to icy cold Russia, the story follows Becka as she searches for a Bone Record through her love of jazz, whilst renowned Jazz musician Jerry Zolotov is on his own search for one.

This thriller will keep you guessing until the end, with its final twist that you won’t see coming.

If you love jazz, and brilliantly written thrillers, give Death By Saxophone a read.

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